我正在重构我现有的代码.它实际上工作正常,但它有点混乱,有多个 if-else 条件检查一个变量的值并将第二个变量的值更改为从固定枚举结构中获取的更新值.
I am in the process of refactoring my existing code. It actually works fine, but it is a bit cluttered with multiple if-else conditionals checking the value of one variable and change the value of a second variable to an updated value taken from a fixed enumeration structure.
else if (var1 == 'valueX') { if (var2 == MyEnum.A) var2 = MyEnum.B; else if (var2 == MyEnum.B) var2 = MyEnum.C; else if (var2 == MyEnum.C) var2 = MyEnum.D; else if (var2 == MyEnum.D) var2 = MyEnum.A; } else if (....) { ..similar block of conditionals }
I am a bit confused as to what is the best way to refactor and clean-up this code. Would you suggest the use of a switch perhaps? Or something more elegant?
至少在 J2SE 1.5 之前,你可以给枚举额外的属性.这意味着您可以将整个 if-else 字符串替换为类似
At least with J2SE 1.5 forward, you can give enums extra attributes. This means you might be able to replace that entire string of if-else with something that looks like
var2 = var1.getNextInSequence();
Now, in this case, it looks like you would want the attribute to be a reference to another enum, which adds some wrinkles, for example you can't forward reference enums when you initialize them, but there might be a workable solution for you this way.
When the attributes aren't other instances of the same enum, this kind of thing will work:
public enum Animal { FOX(4), CHICKEN(2), WORM(0); private int countLegs; Animal(int n) { countLegs = n; } public int getLegCount() { return countLegs; } // .. more getters setters etc }
But when the enum is self-referential, you have to be careful about the order of declaration of your instances. I.e., this will have some issues:
public enum Animal { FOX(4, CHICKEN), // 'CHICKEN' doesn't exist yet WORM(0, null), CHICKEN(2, WORM); // this actually will compile private int countLegs; private Animal eatsWhat; Animal(int n, Animal dinner) { countLegs = n; eatsWhat = dinner; } public int getLegCount() { return countLegs; } // .. getters, setters, etc }
So if you had need of a circular set of references among the enums, you'd have to work something else out, but if not, you could use this technique, though you may have to order your enum instances just so to make it work.